Sponsored by the Federation of University Sports of China (FUSC), the 12th Chinese College Students Karate Championships Nov. 4 came to a close in the city of Xi’an, Shaanxi province, gathering more than 700 “luminary” players and coaches at 74 universities and colleges across China.
Mandated by the AXHU General Education Department, its faculty members including head coach WANG Yang alongside assistant coaches ZHANG Yan and CHENG Fei were in charge of the early work, turning to an array of tactic deployment, proposed training plans, and other served contents.
“Till now, this is AXHUers’ third-time great experience in person at the national event, who have been prepared to win,” Wang said.
After sifting through the candidate playlist at the Schools and Departments beforehand, the Team AXHU-nominated four current students attended the Champions, who received three golds and one bronze, whose thrilling performance featuring relentlessness, courageousness and hardheadedness was highly recognized by the peer fellows on the arena, which respectively went to the Communication Engineering undergrad, C’26, WANG Liuyan at Women’s 50KG Final; E-Business, C’26, SUN Jiqian at Women’s 56 KG Final; Journalism, C’26, LING Yuhang at Men’s 70 KG Final; as well as E-Business, C’26, REN Keliang at Men’s 61 KG Final.
Adhering to the educational philosophy of “WuYuBingJu”五育并举—Virtue, Intelligence, Fitness, Esthetic, Diligence and “SanQuanYuRen”三全育人—ALL-Member, ALL-Through, ALL-Engagement, the achievements outshining at the event not only interpret the fundamental commitments to fostering the AXHU’s greatest talents relished for their own academic edges and work ethics, but reveal all the current students’ stepped-up attitude ready to embrace a fabulous Career in the future.